Marriages & Partnerships
Your guide to getting married or forming a civil partnership in Somerset & North Somerset.
Renewal Of Vow Ceremonies
Our team don’t just perform marriages and form civil partnerships. We can also hold non-legal ceremonies to for a special anniversary or to celebrate a marriage with family and friends that has already taken place elsewhere.
Hopefully this page explains everything, but if there’s anything we’ve missed, we’re happy to answer your queries. You can also find more detail in the Pre Ceremony Check guidance on the Ceremony Forms & Guidance page which walks you through all the ceremony elements step by step.
What are Renewal of Vow Ceremonies?
These are essentially non-religious, non-legal ceremonies that are a great way to celebrate a relationship. We often get asked to perform these ceremonies for couples who are celebrating a milestone anniversary and want to reaffirm their commitment with their family and friends all over again. It’s also an option for couples who have married abroad or eloped for something intimate but would like to have a relaxed ceremony with more guests as well.
How much does a naming ceremony cost?
Our renewal ceremonies cost the same as an Enhanced ceremony, whether that’s at a Register Office Venue, an Approved Premises or other suitable building. See our Costs page for more details. We don’t require a deposit, but fees should be paid at least 8 weeks before the ceremony date to secure your booking.
Where can we have a naming ceremony?
You can have a Renewal of Vows Ceremony at our larger Registration Office venues – Taunton Register Office, Weston-super-Mare Register Office, Abbey Manor and Frome Town Hall. There are room options that can hold 20-100 guests. These will be booked on a register office basis, meaning you’ll have a 45 minute slot to include a 30 minute ceremony and time to get your guests seated. You can then have a celebration with food and drink elsewhere if you wish.
You can have ceremonies at any of our Approved Premises. These venues are licensed for legal weddings but are also usually very happy to host other special events. They’ve already been approved by our team as suitable venues so no other checks are needed.
We are also happy to come to village or town hall venues, or other suitable community venues who will have the necessary insurance and health & safety processes in place. Hospitality venues such as pubs and hotel function rooms may also be fine. Tell us on your booking form where you would like to hold the event and we will get our team to check suitability if it’s not a venue we’re familiar with. We don’t provide ceremonies at private homes.
What can we include in the ceremony?
Because these kinds of ceremony have no legal basis or requirements, there is no need to include any of the elements below if you prefer not to. We include space for anecdotes about how you met or your original wedding. The ceremony includes options for acknowledging children or family and special friends who have supported you along the way, but it’s your choice to include them or skip those sections. There are spaces for up to three readings or a unity element like sand blending or knot tying. You should give us full details at least 4 weeks before the ceremony so we can personalise everything for you. The earlier we have all the information the better, especially if you want to include something unusual.
You can find links to the digital Pre Ceremony Check Forms on the Ceremony Forms & Guidance Downloads page. The Renewal ceremony form is below the marriage and partnership ones. There is a separate guidance page to make sure you have the right information before you start the form. These Microsoft Forms should be compatible with most devices but we can send you a printed version if you can’t access online forms. If you have any queries, we’re happy to help.
Suggested Order Of Service
- Introduction and Welcome
- Relationship Anecdote
- First Reading
- Acknowledgement of Children
- Acknowledgement of Family/Friends
- Second Reading
- Renewal Vows
- Third Reading or Unity Ceremony
- Announcement
- Signing of the certificate
- Photography
Who else can be included in the ceremony?
You can have traditional roles like bridesmaids, best man, pages and ring bearers if you want. We don’t automatically include a giving away section for these ceremonies. There are options for acknowledging children, family and friends if you would like them to be included. There is also space for them to sign the presentation certificate as witnesses.
What vows will we have to say?
Our script has four pre-written vows to choose from, or you can write your own if you prefer – just let us know on the pre-ceremony check form.
- I give you this ring as a token of my love and affection. Please wear it with a feeling of warmth and pride. I will love you, and remain faithful to you, now and always.
- I promise to give you my love and friendship. To be there for you when you need me most. To laugh with you, to cry with you, and to confide in you. To trust you, to comfort you and to support you. All that I have I share with you. I promise to respect you, and to be faithful to you always. These promises I make for the rest of my life and I give you this ring/token as a symbol of my love.
- You are my best friend, my closest companion and my true love. I cannot imagine a life without you by my side. Thank you for everything you have done for me, and everything that you are. Please accept this ring/token as a symbol of my trust, my support and my love.
- It has been my privilege to have built a loving home with you. It has been my honour to be your comfort when times were hard. It has been my joy to celebrate successes and happiness with you. It has been my good fortune to have experienced a life alongside you. It will be my privilege, my honour, my joy and good fortune to continue this life with you. Please accept this ring/token as a symbol of everything we’ve shared and everything still to come.
How long will the ceremony last?
These ceremonies can be up to 30 minutes long. You will have a 45 minute time slot at a Register Office venue. This includes time to get your guests settled in as well as for the “signing” photographs afterwards. If you choose to have your celebration at an approved venue or village hall you will have a booked time of 30 minutes for the ceremony itself. You can then be more flexible with your time after the ceremony for the rest of your celebrations.
Does it have to be a formal ceremony?
Our ceremony team always aim to make things feel personal, warm and inclusive. They can take their lead from you as to how formal or casual things are. You can have a grand entrance separately or together after all the other guests are seated, or you can walk in with your guests and start things in a relaxed way. Again, at the end you can make a processional exit, or stay at the front to mingle with your guests once the registrars have completed the main ceremony. Just tell us what you’d like to happen.
Can we choose our own music?
There are a few places where music can be included in the ceremony. You can have a string quartet or a brass band, if there’s space! If you’re using a recording, check with the venue to see what format they will need. Our Registration Office venues are now normally equipped with Bluetooth speakers for you to connect to remotely. You will need to download your music choices on to a device that can connect via Bluetooth. Have someone in your party in charge of starting and stopping the music at the appropriate moments. Our registrars will let them know when! At an approved venue you should supply your music choices directly to them in their preferred format if they need physical copies (eg CD or USB drive). You will need to provide your own copies of all music to be played. We ask for details on your ceremony form so we can check they are appropriate, but we don’t provide the music for you.
See our downloadable Guidance sheets for suggested use of music during the ceremony. It’s normal to have music for the entrance, signing and exit stages of the ceremony, if you are planning something formal. Many couples like to have music playing while the guests are being seated. Please choose something that is a suitable length and is ok to use from the start, and can be stopped as the ceremony requires. If you’re having a more casual ceremony then music while your guests are being seated might be all you want.
Can we have readings?
There is space for up to three readings in these ceremonies. There are a huge range of popular choices on the internet, or you may have a personal or family favourite. We have collected a selection on our Readings page. Please provide your choices to us in advance. We need to make sure they are appropriate and work them into our ceremony preparations. You can ask a friend or relative to do the reading, or our registrar will be happy to do this if you prefer.
Can we have religious elements in the ceremony?
All our ceremonies are non-religious in nature. However, there are no legal restrictions if you would like to include readings or music of a religious nature, unlike our weddings and partnerships.
As well as readings, you can include one of our beautiful Unity Ceremony options which we’ve adapted specifically for Renewals. You can choose to substitute one of the readings for a small personal unity ritual. You can choose from a Sand Blending, Knot Tying, Hand Joining or Memory Box ceremony. All except the Hand Joining option will enable you to create a keepsake of your day and they are a great visual element to add to the ceremony. Find out more in our Ceremony Enhancements page.
Can we have an outdoor ceremony?
If your venue has a suitable outdoor space and the weather is good, then we’re very happy to hold your ceremony outdoors. Have a chat with your venue to see what they can provide.
We strongly advise having an indoor alternative in case the weather isn’t all you hoped for on the day. Obviously you’ll want to head inside it its wet or windy, but high summer can also pose problems. Your guests will be sat outside for quite a while. While there may be a shady spot for the registrar and host family, there may not be enough shelter for guests on a really hot afternoon. It could be 40 minutes or more of direct summer sun, so it might be worth switching to a ceremony room in a heatwave. You will still have plenty of time to enjoy the outside space with your guests after the ceremony is over.
Browse our Venue Directory to see what is on offer – you can filter for an Outdoor Ceremonies option which covers everyone who permanent outdoor areas, but many more venues are now offering those options.
Are photos and videos of the ceremony allowed?
Absolutely! This is your special day and we want you to be able to capture it. We do ask that photography doesn’t detract from the ceremony. You might consider just having a professional photographer take shots during the ceremony so your friends and family can relax and enjoy the proceedings. Let your guests know if you’d prefer them not to take their own pictures. Our registrars will normally check if you would like to have pictures taken of the signing of the certificate. They will make time for you to pose for this before the end of the ceremony.
Will there be a certificate?
We will provide a presentation certificate to commemorate the occasion. It will have your names, the date and venue, as well as space for the ceremony team and any children, friends or family who you would like to act as witnesses to sign their names.
Who arranges the seating?
This is something you’ll need to organise, or delegate to a friend or family member. Whoever you put in charge will need to make sure there’s enough seating at the front reserved for key family members to sit during the ceremony, especially if you will be entering after everyone else is seated.
Can we have food or drink in the ceremony room?
Licensing laws for marriages mean that alcohol can’t be served or consumed in the ceremony room during the ceremony and for an hour beforehand. These rules don’t apply for Renewal ceremonies but we would appreciate alcoholic celebrations, if you’re planning them, to take place after the ceremony. It’s fine to have food and drink available before and after the ceremony, or to have a buffet set up in the same room, but it’s best if it doesn’t detract from the ceremony itself.
Can I decorate the venue?
There won’t be an opportunity to decorate the room to a personal theme in a Register Office or our Abbey Manor and Frome venues as we often hold several ceremonies a day. These rooms are dressed for ceremonies, so you just need to bring yourselves! Some people like to bring a small decoration for the registrar’s table and have a guest take it away afterwards, but it’s not necessary.
However, if you have chosen to hold your event at an approved venue or village hall, you can arrange for whatever flowers and themed decorations you like. Browse our Wedding Supplier Directory for local professionals who can work with you to create your dream theme.
Can I bring my dog to the ceremony?
Depending on the venue, it’s possible to make your pooch a part of the event. Check with your venue to see what they can accommodate. Do make sure that your animal will be comfortable and catered for throughout the event.
Unfortunately, we can only allow guide dogs or other trained service animals (not unlicensed support animals) at register office venues. This includes Abbey Manor, Frome Town Hall, the Tudor Hall & Vivary Room at Taunton Register Office and Weston Town Hall.
Do you provide an order of service booklet?
We don’t provide an order of service card. You are welcome to provide your own if you would like, though they’re not essential. We have a suggested order of service in our pre ceremony guidance pack. You can let us know if you would like things done in a different order when you complete your pre ceremony check form. Our registrars will introduce themselves and explain what is happening at each step, direct guests to stand or sit as necessary. They’ll introducing readings and coordinate when music needs to be played.
Can the ceremony be in another language?
Our ceremonies are all in English. As there are no legal restrictions, you are welcome to include readings in other languages or translate the vows if that is more meaningful to you and your guests. Please let us know if you’re planning to add translations as this may affect the length of the ceremony.
What Happens If We Are Late?
The vast majority of our ceremonies run on time, which is fantastic for everyone! Our team often have more than one ceremony to attend in a day so it’s essential that things start at the agreed time. Please let us know as soon as possible if you know you are going to run late for any reason. This might mean calling the venue’s event coordinator or a guest who will already be there so they can tell us.
We will always do our best to keep things to plan. In the worst case scenario we may have to shorten your ceremony to the essentials or even head to the next ceremony and come back to you later in the day. If it looks like either of those things may need to happen we will discuss options with you or someone from your party. Obviously we would really rather make your day run smoothly without any hiccups.
We will need a chat with you before the ceremony starts to introduce ourselves and check a few details. If you have booked a 2pm ceremony, for example, you’ll still need to be ready to meet us for that chat around 15 minutes beforehand.
Terms & Conditions
Read our detailed terms & conditions here: Ceremony Terms & Conditions